Koi nahi baat nahi kahi osho nai ,Gharast jiwan isi koh kehtey hain ji.Woh straightforward kehta hai aur Gurus wise words mai
(Osho hasn’t said anything new; this is what Grihastha Jeevan (householder's life) is all about. He just expresses it straightforwardly, while other gurus tend to wrap it in wise or metaphorical words.)
Osho’s concept of "From Sex to Superconsciousness" explores the spiritual potential of sexual energy. He argues that through awareness, sex can evolve into a higher state of consciousness, leading to personal transformation. This controversial approach challenges traditional spiritual views, offering a new perspective on the connection between body and soul.
His book on this concept was bold & revolutionary; traditional religious preachers got highly annoyed . But, you know, Osho hardly cared for his opponents. -ks
Osho's book on this concept was indeed bold and revolutionary. Traditional preachers were outraged, but Osho was never concerned with his critics. His focus remained on breaking boundaries and challenging norms.
I think this is an absurd thought on "Samadhi".This only provokes young couples for sexual activity.
(मुझे लगता है कि "समाधि" पर यह एक बेतुका विचार है। यह केवल युवा जोड़ों को यौन गतिविधियों के लिए प्रेरित करता है।)
It seems your understanding of Osho’s philosophy on Samadhi is superficial and Shallow. Osho didn’t merely advocate for sexual activity; he emphasized that the fleeting pleasure experienced during the climax of sex is just a glimpse of the deeper, lasting bliss that can be achieved through Samadhi (meditative consciousness). He was trying to show that this momentary experience of transcendence could be expanded into a lifelong state of spiritual ecstasy, without external stimulation. His aim was not to promote physical indulgence but to guide people toward inner transformation and a higher state of consciousness.
Totally wrong and highly obnoxious, codemnable and useless. "Kaam, krodh, hunkaar, lobh, juth, moh na min sio liave:Tabh hi atam tut ko darse, Parmpurakh kei pave".
(पूरी तरह से गलत, अत्यंत आपत्तिजनक, निंदनीय और बेकार। "काम, क्रोध, अहंकार, लोभ, झूठ, मोह को हृदय से न हटाया जाए, तब आत्मा को उसका वास्तविक स्वरूप नहीं दिखता, और परम पुरुष तक पहुंचना असंभव हो जाता है।")
This is exactly what Osho sought to explain. He highlighted how people often glorify their cultural and religious traditions without truly understanding or questioning their relevance in today's world. Osho argued that many beliefs and practices are followed blindly because they’ve been ingrained in us from an early age, eventually becoming sacred and unquestionable. This uncritical acceptance, he said, can prevent both personal and societal growth. People become trapped in outdated systems that may no longer serve their evolving needs or spiritual development by merely worshipping symbols—saints, customs, and rituals—without deeply examining their purpose.
Tranquilizers! Peace and stability of mind is must for deep meditation. After a dose of opium or satisfying sex one feels relaxed. The flow of tremendous thoughts (फुरने) reduce down - slow down and are generally not negative (ढहंदीं कला) or offensive. This concept, sex to spiritualism may be out of that. Shiv is famous for the first one. His Ujjain Lingam Maha Kaal is famous for booze. All Avatars - Devtas had their female partner accompanied/standing with them. Krishna toed the same concept as Osho , sex to spiritualism.
The statement draws an interesting comparison between tranquilizers, such as opium and the relaxation after satisfying sex, to the calm and stability necessary for deep meditation. Osho’s concept of “sex to spiritualism” aligns with this, suggesting that the momentary stillness of mind experienced after such acts can provide a glimpse into spiritual tranquility. Similarly, ancient figures like Shiva and Krishna symbolized this merging of physicality and spirituality. Shiva, associated with Maha Kaal in Ujjain, and Krishna’s playful interactions with gopis reflect this deeper connection between worldly pleasures and divine experiences, highlighting the same path Osho explored.
Perhaps it is Osho's reverse journey from spiritualism to sex. No other saint has advocated such concept.
(शायद यह ओशो की आध्यात्मिकता से सेक्स की ओर उल्टी यात्रा है। किसी अन्य संत ने इस तरह की अवधारणा का समर्थन नहीं किया।)
Osho’s vision went beyond the traditional teachings of ancient saints and preachers. Instead of explaining spiritual ecstasy using concepts from various religions, he crafted his own unique approach. Osho understood that many people couldn't grasp the abstract idea of spiritual bliss, so he used the climax of sexual activity—something most humans have experienced—to help explain the profound joy of spiritual ecstasy. No one in the 3,000-year history of philosophy had ever offered such a relatable, real-life example. His approach, though controversial, made the concept of Samadhi more accessible and understandable for the modern mind.
In any case I won't buy his idea. Later year of his life were full of controversies. He was himself involved in debauchery. In a country where value of celebacy is taught to seekers on all oriental relegions , he seemed to mock the very principle of spiritual path. I have not known any prostitute entering into samadhi. I can't imagine how carnal desires can lead to nirvana. This is only marketing gimmicks, attracting younger generation to waywardness.
(किसी भी हालत में मैं उनके विचार (ओशो के) को नहीं अपनाऊँगा। उनके जीवन के अंतिम वर्ष विवादों से भरे थे। वे खुद अनैतिकता में लिप्त थे। एक ऐसे देश में जहाँ सभी पूर्वी धर्मों में साधकों को ब्रह्मचर्य का महत्व सिखाया जाता है, ओशो ने आध्यात्मिक पथ के इस मौलिक सिद्धांत का मज़ाक उड़ाया। मैंने कभी नहीं सुना कि कोई वेश्या समाधि में पहुँची हो। मुझे नहीं लगता कि शारीरिक इच्छाएँ निर्वाण तक ले जा सकती हैं। यह सिर्फ़ एक मार्केटिंग गिमिक है, जो युवाओं को भटकाने के लिए है।)
It’s understandable that Osho’s ideas have been controversial, especially in a society that places a high value on celibacy. However, Osho’s philosophy wasn’t about promoting debauchery or mocking spiritual traditions; rather, he sought to break the rigid boundaries around spirituality. His approach was to challenge the notion that desire and nirvana are mutually exclusive. Osho explained that the energy experienced through physical desires, if understood and transcended, can lead to deeper spiritual awareness. His views were indeed revolutionary, and while not for everyone, they invited people to explore paths beyond traditional spiritual frameworks. The controversies in his later life don’t necessarily invalidate his earlier teachings, and while they attract criticism, they also need to be viewed separately from the philosophical depth he brought forward. His ideas resonate with those seeking a broader, less rigid understanding of the spiritual journey. Whether one agrees or not, Osho’s intention was to expand the dialogue on human consciousness and its many layers, including how we navigate desires and transcend them.
What is your experience ?
That's not really relevant to the topic at hand.
Shiva himself used to have Bhang (भंग).
By the way, after comprehending Gurbani, I learnt Gurbani does not give importance to meditation/rituals or even formal भगती/बाहरी सुचम. In Gurbani, it is NAAM. NAAM is basically principles (नियम - हुकुम) of Universe. These are like Traffic Principles, some written, some beyond writing. If one learns, comprehend and follow them strictly, with well maintained vehicle, healthy driving, one will reach his destination safely and on time without hindrances. So through Gurbani one has to learn, comprehend and adopt these Universal Eternal Truthful Principles on which this Universe functions. The life and further journey under Universal laws will be smooth.
In Gurbani this is called लोक सुखीये परलोक सुहेले।
(वैसे, गुरबाणी को समझने के बाद मुझे पता चला कि गुरबाणी ध्यान/रिवाजों या औपचारिक भगती/बाहरी सूचम को महत्व नहीं देती। गुरबाणी में नाम ही महत्वपूर्ण है। नाम मूल रूप से ब्रह्मांड के नियम (हुकुम) हैं। ये ट्रैफिक नियमों जैसे होते हैं, कुछ लिखे हुए, कुछ लिखने से परे। यदि कोई इन्हें सीखता है, समझता है और सख्ती से पालन करता है, तो जैसे एक अच्छी तरह से रखरखाव किए हुए वाहन और स्वस्थ ड्राइविंग के साथ मंजिल तक बिना किसी रुकावट के समय पर पहुंचता है, वैसे ही जीवन भी सुचारू रूप से चलता है। इसीलिए, गुरबाणी के माध्यम से हमें इन ब्रह्मांडीय शाश्वत सत्यपूर्ण नियमों को सीखना, समझना और अपनाना चाहिए।
गुरबाणी में इसे लोक सुखीये परलोक सुहेले कहा गया है।)
The concept you presented from Gurbani is deeply insightful, emphasizing Naam as the universal principles governing existence, much like traffic rules. It highlights the idea that aligning one’s life with these eternal truths ensures a smooth journey, both in this world and beyond, described as लोक सुखीये परलोक सुहेले. This focus on Naam as a guide for living harmoniously resonates with Osho's philosophy. Osho’s “Sex to Superconsciousness” also explores transcending primal energies through awareness, and using that energy to reach higher states of consciousness. While Osho begins with the physical realm, he ultimately advocates aligning with universal truths through meditation, detachment, and conscious living, not dissimilar to the concept of Naam. Both teachings stress that following the principles of the universe, whether through understanding Naam or transcending primal desires, leads to inner peace and spiritual growth. In essence, Osho’s focus on using sexual energy as a transformative tool parallels the idea of universal principles guiding life towards a higher purpose—whether that be through Naam in Gurbani or the superconsciousness in Osho’s vision. Both approaches emphasize awareness and alignment with the deeper truths of existence.
I agree with Obi's view point in view of his straightforwardness in acknowledging concept of Osho thoughts which is very evident from our day to day life activity irrespective of age & gender
Your agreement with my viewpoint shows an insightful understanding of Osho’s thoughts. Osho's philosophy emphasizes authenticity and direct experience, making it applicable to everyone, regardless of age or gender. His focus on real-life situations, rather than abstract ideals, makes his teachings more relatable and meaningful in our day-to-day activities.
Sale of a product is directly proportional to it’s public acceptability. Osho launched this product at the right time and place. So, it made him the king of Baba Business & pseudo spiritual world😜
Osho's teachings, including "From Sex to Superconsciousness," were certainly controversial and arrived at a time when many were questioning traditional values around sex, spirituality, and freedom. However, dismissing his work as mere "Baba Business" ignores the depth and uniqueness of his philosophy. Osho challenged deeply ingrained societal norms and sought to break the taboo around sex by linking it to spiritual growth. His teachings, though radical, are part of a broader exploration of human consciousness and self-transformation. While they may not resonate with everyone, labeling them as "pseudo-spiritual" disregards the experiences of those who have found personal and spiritual meaning in his approach. Osho wasn’t just capitalizing on trends; he was critiquing both Eastern and Western traditions, advocating for a holistic, integrated approach to life, which includes both material and spiritual aspects. Many people consider his works as thought-provoking and transformative, pushing boundaries rather than being part of any 'spiritual business.'
At the outset you agreed to one thing that Osho delivered this concept at the appropriate time when he could get the maximum response. This concept strikes at the very root of the institution of marriage, so, no civilised society can afford to agree. By this he certainly did crowd pulling, to which he succeeded for quite sometime, and enjoyed his following in extreme luxury.
The concept of spiritual ecstasy that Osho discussed was largely unknown to most people, and previously explained only in abstract terms. Osho chose to compare it to the intense ecstasy one experiences at the climax of sexual activity, a real-life experience everyone can relate to. His aim was to provide a tangible understanding of spiritual bliss. However, Osho didn’t stop there—he explained that this state of bliss could be achieved not through physical indulgence but through non-attachment to material possessions, meditation, and devotion to higher consciousness. I fail to see how this conflicts with the institution of marriage. Legally, marriage in many countries, including India, is recognized as "consumed" only when sexual relations occur. Osho did not undermine marriage but rather offered an enlightened approach to it. He challenged blind adherence to traditional customs and encouraged a reflective, critical examination of cultural and religious practices. His goal was not to reject traditions outright but to evolve them in a way that fosters personal and collective growth. By shedding unnecessary cultural conditioning, individuals can experience true freedom and spiritual enlightenment. Osho's philosophy advocates for inner transformation without undermining societal values like marriage.
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