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Rajneesh's Visa Rejection

In 1987, Bhagwan Rajneesh, also known as Osho, faced significant challenges when attempting to relocate to various countries. His global visa rejections ensued primarily due to the controversial nature of his beliefs and practices, which had garnered criticism from multiple governments. This resulted in a heightened scrutiny towards his visa applications

Rajneesh was expelled from the United States in 1985,
following a string of legal battles and public scrutiny
surrounding his commune in Oregon.
This expulsion marked a turning point for his movement.

Attempts to Relocate

Following his expulsion, Rajneesh sought refuge in other countries. Between 1986 and 1987, he attempted to travel to several nations, including Canada, the UK, Germany, and Sweden, among others. However, his visa requests were systematically denied.

Impact on His Movement

The repeated visa rejections led Rajneesh to return permanently to Pune, India, in 1987. Here, he resumed his teachings and re-established the Osho International Meditation Resort. While the global resistance to his movement marked a challenging period, it also solidified his followers’ commitment, turning the Pune ashram into a spiritual hub that attracted seekers worldwide.


Bhagwan Rajneesh’s struggle to find acceptance abroad after his expulsion from the USA illustrates the challenges faced by unconventional spiritual leaders in navigating a world governed by political and social norms. While his teachings continue to inspire millions, his life remains a testament to the complexities of balancing individual freedoms with societal concerns.


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